I will accept personal checks, money orders and of course, good ol' cash. Because I am a small knife maker, I don't accept credit cards or Paypal as they would charge me and the cost of your knife would go up. I just like to keep it simple and after I deposit your check or money order and it clears my bank, then I'll make your knife and send it to you. This generally takes about three weeks for you to get your knife. If I have a great deal of orders, like Christmas orders, I will tell you when and if delivery time is moved back. I want all of my customers to get their knives on time when I tell them it will be there.
I am going to start putting the different styles of knives, sheaths, etc. that I make on the next few pages. You pick out the one you want me to make and call me for details or blog me or email me @ texasdeerslayerknives@yahoo.com.
Phone #: 832-213-7459
( If I don't answer, just leave me
a message and I'll call you back ASAP.)
Hello my son has a butterfly knife that needs repairs. One of the pins that connects the handle to the blade is too loose/broken. Can you repair this or do you know of someone that can with in the Spring/Woodlands area. Thanks